Oleh Al Ustadz Al Fadhil Abu ‘Isa Abdullah bin Salam hafizhahullah
(Ma'had Faculty Ihya 'as Sunnah, Tasikmalaya, West Java)
Tawhid is a phrase familiar to the Muslims. In general, we as Muslims would want or even have been admitted as a person of Tawheed. However, in reality may be still many among us who do not understand the nature and status of this tawhid. Even people who feel they have Tawheed though, may not know the ins and outs of unity clearly. Since the number of Muslims in understanding the nature of schools of monotheism and forget the very great position, then this problem becomes very important to be explained with a clear explanation. We already know that monotheism is one of the religion. Therefore, the explanation should not be separated from the source of religious knowledge, namely the Qur'an and Sunnah refers to the explanation by the expert, namely the clergy.
Understanding Tawheed
The scholars defines monotheism as follows, "Tawheed is the belief of the oneness of God in His rububiyyah, mengikhlaskan worship to Him (in His uluhiyyah, ed.), And menetapkkan the names and attributes of His perfection". Thus, it can be concluded that Tawheed is divided into 3 types, namely monotheism rububiyyah, uluhiyyah monotheism, and monotheism asthma 'wa shifat. This conclusion was taken by the scholars as they examine the arguments of the Qur'an and Sunnah relating to the unity of Allah, the Exalted. For clarity, each of unity will be described in the following discussion. (See 'Aqidatu At-Tauhid, pp. 15-16.)
Kinds for Tauhid
A. Tauhid Rububiyyah
Rububiyyah Tawheed is the belief of the oneness of Allah, the Exalted in his actions. Is believed that Allaah as the sole:
- Creator of all creatures. Allaah says,
الله خالق كل شيء وهو على كل شيء وكيل
"God created all things and God takes care of all things". (Surat Az-Zumar [39]: 62)
- Giving rizki all human beings and other creatures. Allaah says,
وما من دابة في الأرض إلا على الله رزقها ويعلم مستقرها ومستودعها كل في كتاب مبين
"And there is no moving creature on earth but Allah who gave rizkinya ...". (Surah Hud [11]: 6)
- Authority and Controller of all affairs of nature, the glory and humiliate, the turn on and off, the running night and day, and the all-power over all things. Allaah says,
قل اللهم مالك الملك تؤتي الملك من تشاء وتنزع الملك ممن تشاء وتعز من تشاء وتذل من تشاء بيدك الخير إنك على كل شيء قدير (26) تولج الليل في النهار وتولج النهار في الليل وتخرج الحي من الميت وتخرج الميت من الحي وترزق من تشاء بغير حساب
"Say, 'O Allah, the Kingdom, You give the kingdom to people who you want and you pull the kingdom of the people who you want. Thou hast honored people who you want and you hinakan who you want. In Thy hand is all policies. Thou art the Supreme power over all things. Thou Who put the night into day and you put the day into the night. You remove the living from the dead and you remove the dead from the living. And you give anyone rizki You please without reckoning (limit) ". (Surat Ali 'Imraan [3]: 26 -27) [1]
Thus, monotheism rububiyyah include faith in three things, namely:
1. Believe in the acts of God, the Exalted in general, such as create, give rizki, turn on, off, and others.
2. Believe in making up 'and qadar Allah, the Exalted.
3. Believe in the unity of His Essence. [2]
B. Tauhid Asma 'wa Shifat
Tauhid asthma 'wa shifat are beliefs about the oneness of Allah, the Exalted in terms of name and his nature contained in the Qur'an and Sunnah, along with the meanings of faith and its laws (the consequences). Allaah says,
ولله الأسماء الحسنى فادعوه بها
"Only Allah's Asmaul Husna (the names of the best), seek Him with Asmaul husna call it". (Surat al-A'raaf [7]: 180)
ولقد آتينا موسى تسع آيات بينات فاسأل بني إسرائيل إذ جاءهم فقال له فرعون إني لأظنك يا موسى مسحورا
"Say, 'Call upon Allah, or summon Ar Rahman. By which name you call it, the whole Asmaul husna (the names of the best) is hers ". (Surat Al-Israa '[17]: 101)
للذين لا يؤمنون بالآخرة مثل السوء ولله المثل الأعلى وهو العزيز الحكيم
"People who do not believe in the Hereafter, has a bad character. And God has the nature of the Most High ". (Surat An-Nahl [16]: 60)
وله المثل الأعلى في السماوات والأرض وهو العزيز الحكيم
"And for Him is the nature of the Most High in the heavens and the earth". (Surat ar-Rum [30]: 27) [3]
The things that must be considered in asthma Tawheed wa shifat is as follows.
1. Must specify all the names and nature of Allah, the Exalted, does not deny (deny) nor reject it.
2. Must not exceed the limit by name or mensifati Allaah out names and properties that have been set by Allah and His Messenger.
3. Not equate the name and character by the name of Allah, the Exalted and the nature of His creatures.
4. There is no need (and do not allow) to find out the nature (real form) of the attributes of God are.
5. Worship Allaah in accordance with the consequences and the name of His nature. [4]
The two kinds of unity on the one included in the discussion, which is about the belief or knowledge of Allah Ta'ala. Therefore, two kinds of unity are used together with the term Tawheed wal Ma'rifah itsbat (introduction and establishment of monotheism). [5]
Basically, human nature and believe in Tawheed and itsbat Ma'rifah. Therefore, the idolaters and infidels that faced by the Apostles is not to deny this. The evidence is the word of Allah, the Exalted,
قل من رب السماوات السبع ورب العرش العظيم (86) سيقولون لله قل أفلا تتقون (87) قل من بيده ملكوت كل شيء وهو يجير ولا يجار عليه إن كنتم تعلمون (88) سيقولون لله قل فأنى تسحرون (89)
"Say, 'Who is Who has the seven heavens and Yang has' great Throne?' They will say, 'Allah'. Say, 'Will you not be cautious?' Say, 'Sipakah in his hand is the dominion of all things is he protecting, but no one can be protected from (adzab) Him, if ye know?' They will say, 'Allah'. Say, '(If so), then from the street where you cheated?' "(Surat al-Mu'minun [23]: 86-89)
Allaah says,
قالت رسلهم أفي الله شك فاطر السماوات والأرض
"Messengers said to them, 'Is there any doubt about Allah, the creator of heaven and earth?'" (Surah Ibrahim [14]: 10)
Even if there are people who deny the perfection rububiyyah and the name and nature of Allah, the Exalted, then it appears only for verbal arrogance. But verily his heart to deny what was said by her spoken. This happens as the Pharaoh and his followers. Allaah says,
قال لقد علمت ما أنزل هؤلاء إلا رب السماوات والأرض بصائر وإني لأظنك يا فرعون مثبورا
"Moses replied, 'Surely, you already know, that there is a lower-miracle miracle except the mighty Lord of the heavens and the earth as evidence of real, and actually I think you, O Pharaoh, a will perish ". (Surat Al-Israa '[17]: 102)
Allaah says,
وجحدوا بها واستيقنتها أنفسهم ظلما وعلوا فانظر كيف كان عاقبة المفسدين
"And they deny it because kezhaliman and arrogance (they are). Yet their hearts believe (the truth) it ". (Surat an-Naml [27]: 14)
Similarly, denial of communist people today is due solely lahiriyyah arrogance. Although his heart was acknowledged that there is something there unless there is a hold, and no one else but there are events that do. Allaah says,
أم خلقوا من غير شيء أم هم الخالقون (35) أم خلقوا السماوات والأرض بل لا يوقنون
"Were they created of nothing, or they are created (their own)? Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Actually they do not believe (what they say) ". (Surat At-Thur [52]: 35-36) [6]
C. Tauhid Uluhiyyah
Uluhiyyah Tawheed Oneness of Allah Ta'ala is the purpose of slave deeds done in the framework of taqarrub (self approach) and worship, such as supplication, bernadzar, slaughtering sacrifices, trust, repentance, and others. Allaah says,
وإلهكم إله واحد لا إله إلا هو الرحمن الرحيم
"And is sesembahanmu esa worship the Almighty, there is no god (that exists) but He, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful". (Surat al-Baqarah [2]: 163)
وقال الله لا تتخذوا إلهين اثنين إنما هو إله واحد فإياي فارهبون
"God said, 'Do not worship two gods. Verily He is the All-esa god, then let Me alone you are afraid ". (Surat An-Nahl [16]: 51)
ومن يدع مع الله إلها آخر لا برهان له به فإنما حسابه عند ربه إنه لا يفلح الكافرون
"And they that worship other gods besides Allah, but it is not there something else to him about the proposition that, indeed, the calculations on the side of his Lord. Those who disbelieve that there is no luck ". (Surat al-Mu'minun [23]: 117) [7] The
Tauhid is required must be fulfilled by each slave as desired by Allah, the Exalted, as a consequence of their recognition of excellence rububiyyah and the name and nature of Allah, the Exalted. The purity of tawhid uluhiyyah be obtained by realizing two basic things, namely:
1. The whole service is only intended to Allaah alone, not to others.
2. In the implementation of worship should be in accordance with the laws of Allah, the Exalted. [8]
These three kinds of unity over a relationship that can not be separated.
A person of faith to Allah, the Exalted, will not be complete so that accrued during her three types of Tawheed is. Tauhid rububiyyah person will not be useful, so he was uluhiyyah tawhid. Whereas monotheism uluhiyyah straight man would not so she had an asthma tawhid wa shifat. In short, Allah the Exalted knows it is not enough unless a person really worship Him only. While worship to Allaah is not going to happen properly without knowing Allah, the Exalted. [9]
Position Tauhid
Basically people have to know Allah, the Exalted, even globally. Therefore, the Apostle of Allah is not sent to introduce Allah, the Exalted alone. But the essence is to require them to worship only Him. Thus, the main material of the apostles were preaching monotheism uluhiyyah. Thus, when the term is mentioned in absolute monotheism (with no additional information), then he is more referring to monotheism uluhiyyah.
In human life, monotheism has a very high position. Tawhid position include:
1. The nature and purpose of human creation of the jinn.
Allaah says,
وما خلقت الجن والإنس إلا ليعبدون
"And I did not create the jinn and men but that they may worship Me". (Surat Az-Dzariyat [51]: 56)
Ibn 'Abbas radi' anhuma stated that the command to worship (worship) in the word of Allah Ta'ala is the command to Tawheed.
2. The nature of the mission objectives of the apostles and their propaganda material.
Allaah says,
ولقد بعثنا في كل أمة رسولا أن اعبدوا الله واجتنبوا الطاغوت
"And verily We sent messengers to every people (to call), 'Worship Allah (alone) and stay away from Evil (god but Allah) is'". (Surat An-Nahl [16]: 36)
Allaah says,
وما أرسلنا من قبلك من رسول إلا نوحي إليه أنه لا إله إلا أنا فاعبدون
"And We sent not a messenger before thee but We inspired him, 'that there is no god (that exists) but I do, then you should worship Me". (Surat al-Anbiya '[21]: 25)
3. The first obligation of another adult human reason.
Allaah says,
واعبدوا الله ولا تشركوا به شيئا وبالوالدين إحسانا وبذي القربى واليتامى والمساكين والجار ذي القربى والجار الجنب والصاحب بالجنب وابن السبيل وما ملكت أيمانكم
"Worship Allah and do not associate him with something else. And do good to the two parents (mother and father), friends relatives, orphans, poor people, neighbors near and far neighbors, peers, Ibn sabil, and I sahayamu ". (Surat An-Nisa [4]: 36)
Allaah commanded His servants to Tawheed before ordering them to do good to others. Allaah says,
فاعلم أنه لا إله إلا الله واستغفر لذنبك وللمؤمنين والمؤمنات والله يعلم متقلبكم ومثواكم
"So please know that there is no god (that exists) except Allah. And ask forgiveness for your sins and for the (sins) the believers men and women ". (Surah Muhammad [47]: 19)
In the above verse Allah the Exalted ordered to Tawheed first before doing a good deed.
4. Violation tawhid (shirk) was the largest haraam involved.
Allaah says,
قل تعالوا أتل ما حرم ربكم عليكم ألا تشركوا به شيئا وبالوالدين إحسانا
"Say, 'Let's read what is forbidden to you by Rabbmu, which do not associate anything with Him, and do good to both parents ...'". (QS.Al-An 'am [6]: 151)
In the above verse, Allah the Exalted, put the reference to shirk haraam involved before mentioning other haraam involved. Because polytheism is haraam involved the largest haraam involved.
5. The material of the first mission should be called.
When the Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wa sallam sent Mu'adh radi' anhu to Yemen, his peace 'alaihi wa sallam said,
إنك تأتي قوما من أهل الكتاب فليكن أول ما تدعوهم إليه شهادة أن لا إله إلا الله و فى رواية: إلى أن يوحدوا الله.
"What you will come to the People of the Book, then let the first missionary to tell them you are shahada 'la ilaha illa'". In another report stated, "So they mentauhidkan God". [10] [11]
Thus a glimpse of the nature of monotheism and position. Hopefully when we already know the size of the position of unity in human life, it can be a booster for us to learn more and more details about Tawheed. This order of unity not only as mere recognition but actually imprinted in us, both physically and emotionally. May Allaah help us all to take this path. Amen.
Yogyakarta, 6 Jumadil Ula 1426 AH
June 3, 2005 M
Which always need forgiveness of Allah the Exalted,
Abu 'Isa Abdullah bin Salam
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