Oleh Al Ustadz Al Fadhil Abu ‘Isa Abdullah bin Salam hafizhahullah
(Ma'had Faculty Ihya 'as Sunnah, Tasikmalaya, West Java)
Tawhid is a phrase familiar to the Muslims. In general, we as Muslims would want or even have been admitted as a person of Tawheed. However, in reality may be still many among us who do not understand the nature and status of this tawhid. Even people who feel they have Tawheed though, may not know the ins and outs of unity clearly. Since the number of Muslims in understanding the nature of schools of monotheism and forget the very great position, then this problem becomes very important to be explained with a clear explanation. We already know that monotheism is one of the religion. Therefore, the explanation should not be separated from the source of religious knowledge, namely the Qur'an and Sunnah refers to the explanation by the expert, namely the clergy.
Understanding Tawheed
The scholars defines monotheism as follows, "Tawheed is the belief of the oneness of God in His rububiyyah, mengikhlaskan worship to Him (in His uluhiyyah, ed.), And menetapkkan the names and attributes of His perfection". Thus, it can be concluded that Tawheed is divided into 3 types, namely monotheism rububiyyah, uluhiyyah monotheism, and monotheism asthma 'wa shifat. This conclusion was taken by the scholars as they examine the arguments of the Qur'an and Sunnah relating to the unity of Allah, the Exalted. For clarity, each of unity will be described in the following discussion. (See 'Aqidatu At-Tauhid, pp. 15-16.)