Tafsir Surah Al-Kauthar
This letter Meccan sura, consisting of three verses, revealed after surah Al-Adiyat. The relationship of this letter with the previous letter (surat Al-Ma'un), is when God explained in previous letters about people who reject religion with four kinds of properties, namely al-bukhl (miserly), did not want to pray, riya, and do not want provide help, then in surah Al-Kautsar God mentions the qualities given to the Prophet. of goodness and blessing. Mentioned that he was given the Al-Kautsar, which means that a lot of good, the drive to perform prayers and to familiarize them and sincere in doing so and give alms to the fuqara.
Asbab al-Nuzul this letter is as follows: The idolaters of Mecca and Medina hypocrites denouncing and ridiculing of the Prophet. with a few things. First, the people who follow him are the people dhu'afa, while people who do not follow it is the authorities and officials. Suppose that brought religion is true, of course, the defense attorney was a good group of people who have status among his peers.
Such statement is not new. Once, the Prophet Noah a.s. also said to their prophet. Narrated in the Qur'an as follows: "Then said the chiefs of the unbelievers of his people: We do not see you but (as) human beings like us, and we do not see people who follow you but the people in abject Those of us who believe in it quickly, and we do not see something you have any advantages over us, even we are sure that you are the people who lie. "(Surah Hud 11:27).
It was so there, one of the fastest meet the mission of the Apostles is dhu'afa. Was caused, among other things, because they do not own property so as not to fear his property will be wasted on the road preaching. Dhu'afa People also do not have the rank or position that causes them to fear the loss of rank or position in front of a given position by Shâhib Al-Da'wah.
Togetherness the dhu'afa it was not liked by the masters and lords. Thus, when one day they enter into the religion of God, they entered in a state hate. Because it is often a debate between them and the apostles. They try to eliminate and disrupt the followers of the Apostle. But God's messengers to help him, reinforcing and strengthening them.
The attitude of the authorities as it happened also in Rasul SAW. Therefore, it is the authorities had opposed him because of their hatred to the Prophet and his followers who had low status. Then, when they saw the sons of the Prophet died, they said: "Terputuslah descendant of Muhammad, and he became abtar." They think the death of the sons of the Messenger as a disgrace, so they denounce him with it, and tried turning people away from followed. When they saw syiddah (difficulties) which falls to those believers, they are happy and waiting for the power shifted to them. They hope that power is lost from the Muslims, so that their position could be shaken by the new religion, come back to them.
On that basis, the letter Al-Kautsar this fall to confirm to the Prophet SAW. that what is expected by the infidels is a hope that there is no truth; to shake the souls of those who do not want to give up the stance, which is not soft poles, people are recalcitrant; to reject those deceptions Pagans with truth, and to teach them that the Apostle would be helped, while the followers of his will get the victory.
Tafsir Surah Al-Kauthar
A'thainâ inna ka al-KAUTSAR fashalli lirabbika wanhar inna syâni'aka huwa al-abtarVerily We have given thee al-Kautsar. So you salatlah, and berkurbanlah. Lo haters that you will perish. (Surat al-Kautsar, 108:1-3).
1. Al-Kautsar. Al-KAUTSAR is packed or shopping in large numbers. Al-KAUTSAR means a lot to give. What is meant by al-KAUTSAR here is prophetic, the true religion, directions and what is in it about the happiness in the world and the hereafter.
2. Al-Abtar. According to the original he says, is an animal alabtar truncated tail. As for the al-abtar mean here is the person whose name does not continue and the trail is not eternal. Pengumpamaan eternal good name and continuing with a beautiful trail animals because the animal's tail and followed the animals into her jewelry. Thus, people who do not have as lasting and beautiful trail that continues as the person who likened his tail off or disconnected.
With this letter to affirm God as follows: I have given you a lot of gifts that amount does not count. I've mengaruniaimu various gifts, which can not be reached in nature. If your enemies and a small underestimate of the gift, then the damage was caused by weak minds and their perceptions. Salatlah to your Lord and berkurbanlah. Make salatmu only to God alone, and that is sembelihlah sembelihanmu sacrifice for God likewise. Because, God is taking care of and the abundant blessings to all his, not the other, as I have instructed my prophets: shalâti Qul inna mahyâya wa wa wa nusukî lillahi Mamati al'âlamin rabb syarîka He bidzâlika umirtu lahu wa wa awwal ana al-Muslimin. Say, in fact salatku, sacrifice, my life and my death for God to take care of this universe. There is no partner for Him. So I ordered. And I became the first Muslim. "
After encouraging the Apostle Saw. by as much as possible the good news, and asked him to thank him for pleasure and perfection, then God confirms that the enemies he who actually terhinakan be defeated and, "Inna syâni'aka al-abtar huwa. Pembencimu Indeed, both past and present, would cut off his name from the goodness of the world and the hereafter, so that your descendants will be eternal and everlasting is also the name and keutamaanmu traces till doomsday. "
Actually, the haters hate the messenger was not his personality. They really loved him more than the love of their own. However, they are angry at what was brought by his guidance and wisdom in the form of demeaning their religion, denounce what they worship, and called them to something different from what they are doing.
God has asserted and proved to the hater-haters among the Arab Prophet and his ajam at the time, that they will be overwritten humiliation and loss, and no remains of them except a bad name. He also asserted and proved that the Prophet. and those who received instructions to get position on anything, so that they become kalimah highest kalimah.
God has asserted and proved to the hater-haters among the Arab Prophet and his ajam at the time, that they will be overwritten humiliation and loss, and no remains of them except a bad name. He also asserted and proved that the Prophet. and those who received instructions to get position on anything, so they became the most high.
Al-Hasan, vol saying: "The idolaters called because their goal abtar interrupted before they reach it. Your Sejahterakanlah Prophet, O our Lord, which You have high his name; have you lowered the pembencinya, with eternal peace, sekekal age. "
Explanation of the above I took from the interpretation of Ibn Kathir. Here also mentioned a few details about al-KAUTSAR, as follows:
1. Heaven Lake
2. Kindness is good;
3. Sons of the Prophet
4. Friends and Apostles pengikutpengikut Saw. until dayResurrection;
5. Clergy among the people of Muhammad;
6. Al-Quran with all its virtues are many;
7. Nubuwwah;
8. Dimudahkannya Al-Quran;
9. Islam;
10. Tauhid;
11. Science;
12. Wisdom; and so on.
Even here there is reported twenty-six schools about what is meant by al-KAUTSAR. But we'll take tharîqah al-jam'i (incorporation theory), that is entirely correct. We take a general, al-KAUTSAR is a lot of pleasure, which has been given to Muhammad. and its people. And the pleasure it could be the Koran, or the instructions of God, or his followers increased until the end of time he did not break until after his death, or can also pool in heaven.
It was narrated in Saheeh al-Bukhari, that the inhabitants of heaven will be given a drink from the pond is named Al-Kautsar. Al-Bukhari narrated that at one point so many people will be herded into Al-Kautsar lake. That given a drink from the pond is only the people of the Prophet. But when it came to Al-Kautsar lake, they were expelled by the angels. Then the Prophet shouted, 'My friend, my friend. "Then God said," No. They are not your friend. You do not know what they do after you. "Prophet said," Woe to those who change the teachings of my religion when I die. "
Furthermore, Nahr said, also has several meanings. In Arabic, one of the Nahr is the meaning of the word sacrifice. Another meaning is part of the upper chest. Some mufassir explained that the reference is to the Nahr straight with hands raised above his shoulder. Thus, they say, the meaning is, "Salatlah to your Lord, say the greatness of the name of your Lord, lifting selurus his shoulders." So they said. This opinion is based on the Hadith narrated by Abi Hatim, al-Hakim, Ibn Mardawaih, and al-Bayhaqi, in Sunannya, from Ali ibn Abi Talib, he said: "When this letter was revealed to the Prophet., He asked Gabriel: 'What is meant by the Nahr instructed by God in here? "Gabriel said:' What is meant here is not sacrificed. The purpose of this word is telling you to raise their hands when saluting in prayer, as Takbir, basil, and raised his head from ruku. Because, that our prayers and pray that the angels are in the seventh heaven. Everything has its jewels. And jewelry Prayer is held up his hand in every interpretation. ' "
As for al-abtar, Al-Maraghi mention there are a few things, namely:
1. Formerly, the followers of Prophet SAW. The first is a group dhu'afa, fuqara and the poor. Most of them stupid, so stupid as ridiculed by sufahâ ', fools, even then God confirmed, innahum ala al-sufahâ hum', they (the authorities) that is stupid. They (the authorities) were to assume that if the religion brought by Muhammad was right, of his followers are smart people, great people, and people who understand. However, precisely why his followers ignorant people? That's why they think that religion would soon abtar, will quickly disappear, quickly cut off.
2. It is reported that the Prophet SAW. has several sons. The oldest son named Al-Qasim. Then Zainab, Abdullah, Umm Kulthum, Rukayya, and Fatima. Al-Qasim died. After he died, Abdullah was dead. So, said Al-'Ashi bin Wail al-Sahmi, one of the lords of Quraysh: "I lost descendant of Muhammad; he became abtar, people who cut off his descendants." That is why Allah revealed the verse, Inna syâni'aka huwa al-abtar (Sesunguhnya pembencimulah which will perish). That is why some scholars explain that the reference alkautsar in this letter are the descendants of the Prophet., Namely, God's promise that the descendants of Muhammad will not be interrupted, but breed in large numbers. In the past, the Arabs call a child by his father's name. So, if someone does not have children, then his name will not mention those. And it turned out, the name of Allah continues with good memories, until now.
3. Is the sunnah of the prophet that his followers were generally derived from dhu'afa groups, and that the prophets and followers always vote along with dhu'afa group. In India, I heard that Islam is growing rapidly because of the clerical approached the group of people who do not have caste. The people who flew from the caste system was then entered into Islam in droves, so the Hindus were forced to use their power, killing the people of Islam. Islam has great appeal for the group dhu'afa, weak people. I have confirmed this many times. Because, during this our mission orientation restricted to elite groups, or groups that now risen high. While poor people, dhu'afa approached by Christians, so few places have been dikristenisasikan.
In the Qur'an, which is dhu'afa not only weak in terms of material, but also science. But the emphasis is in terms of material dhu'afa. The weak from the side of wealth, usually weak as well as from the side of science, politics, and social life. Dhu'afa is weak groups, the small people. Al-Quran has another term, mustadh'afîn, namely the people who oppressed, weakened.
If Karl Marx became acquainted with Islam taught by Prophet SAW., Maybe he'll convert to Islam. Because, really pushing for the formulation of Marx's Marxism is a sense of concern over the suffering of the proletariat by the industrial revolution. When I read Das Kapital, by Karl Marx, where Marx passionately describes how miserable nations colonized by capitalism. Unfortunately, at that time he knew the Christian religion, which only teaches the oppressed people was not to fight but to teach that, "If a slap your left cheek, then open the right cheek. If your clothes taken away, give your cloak. If you are told to run a mile, run two miles. "
Jesus was preaching to his followers. Marx said, was preaching the people who are oppressed, so they do not want to fight. That's why Marx called religion the opiate of the people, because the freezing of thought. Had he known of Islam, perhaps his views on religion are not like that he wrote. Because, there are some similarities between Islam and Marxism, namely: are both very concerned, very concerned about the fate dhu'afa groups. Both dhu'afa think that people should not be silent, but they have to change the capitalist system. But, certainly far more differences between the two, among others, when Marxism reject religion altogether, consider it as the opiate of the people, the religion of Islam just as the primary motivator.
If Marxism negate God, the God of Islam put in place the highest. If they reject morality, so for them to seize power by whatever means are permissible, then Islam is not the case.
Because the equation is so close to the above, then the people who often defended the dhu'afa often called communist. As if only the communists alone who defend the weak. In fact, Islam is the defense dhu'afa people. These themes should we deploy to eliminate communism. Of course, not distributed with words alone, but by the actions of real .*
Birth can not we choose. It is impossible to sue why we are born now, in a time that many people packed the word evil, manipulative's, corruption, manipulation, rhetoric, lies, and a number of other human disgust. It is impossible to sue for was born in the days of prosperity, gold, justice, all easy, or the time and place when human rights and self-respect so valued, or born in the Ideal State - such as Plato - or Medina Fadhi was - Main Cities, such as Al-Farabi said. Birth obviously not negotiable, beautiful and nothing bad birth. He is the compulsion to live, like it or not.
But life itself is actually a choice. That birth can not manipulate or diutak requested, it's true. But that life is a process that offers freedom, is also a truth others. That we are organic beings - so the word AN Whitehead - who are free to choose life, that necessity is also difficult to resist. We are forced to be born, but we are free to fill in life. We are free to choose or design what kind of life we want. We are free to be good, or bad people. We are free to be clean and officials who sided with justice, or corrupt officials, and easy to sell a property purchased with the development of camouflage. There is no compulsion to enter heaven, there is no pressure to go to hell. He ikrâha fi al-Din, said Al-Quran. Please select. After all, life is provided is to choose. Even the end of life itself is also an option. If we want to die, hurry kausalitatif act that causes death, is like cutting the neck, fired a bullet into the heart, threw himself from a certain height to earth rocks, or anything else. If the terms of death had been met, we quickly die. Insha Allah. ***
Of all the choices of life, essentially only two: good and evil. Both options have been blown in inspirational (inspiration) in every human soul. In nature, every person can distinguish good from evil, at least not universally. Instinctively, psychological, everyone agreed that respect for human rights is good, while insulting it means crime; that doing justice is good, while the tyrant and unjust act is evil. This potential has been "inspired" directly by the Creator. This example is highlighted in some of the following verse: "We have to show people two streets" (Sura 90:10); "The inspired man (road) wickedness and piety" (Surah 91:8); "We showed path (straight): there is glad and some are unbelievers "(Sura 76:3).
Since then, everyone basically has the potential or the same talent to do good and bad. Nonsense when people claimed that a criminal has no potential to be good. Also lie when someone says that a pious not have the talent to be a bad person. Philosophically, every person has the potential or talent to become one of two things: good, or evil. Bad people Yazid I, Hitler, Pol Pot, for example, actually have the talent to be a good person. As sacred as those of Muhammad and Isa bin Maryam in principle also have the potential to do bad. But why did Yazid, Hitler and Pol Pot did not improve, while Muhammad and Jesus did not become evil?
To answer the above questions, the philosophers held two key words: potential and action (the Islamic philosophical tradition in calling the first and the second quwwah with fi'l). According to them, any potential is not always the action (action), but every action always starts from the potential. Every person has the potential, for example, to remove litter. But people who really care about the cleanliness was not going to do it. Every person has the potential to kill. But a moral and humane is not possible to realize that potential into action. Every person has the potential to lie, or fake false testimony. But those who uphold the values of honesty could not have done. Why? The answer could be for reasons of health, ethics, morals, religion, the principles of truth, or the other. Why does no harm to the Apostle when he has the potential for it? Because, if he was evil, so he was not the apostle again. The love and responsibility to God and His creatures memustahilkan bad potential manifests itself into action. Consistency of all the good he finally closed the meeting's potential to manifest evil. So why Hitler did not improve and she is also a potential for that? Because, dirtiness heart and soul have been so thick that it covered a good potential, the potential consequences wicked are pulled himself to realize the evil actions. Keseringannya bad action good cause potential congestion to be action.
About the potential good and evil can actually also be understood through the mirror theory of Imam al-Ghazali. People who always cleaned his soul, his soul is like a clean mirror. If the appearance of reality is considered as a good, then the soul is like a mirror that will show all the reality in front of him. While people are always dirty soul until thick, then the soul can not at all reflect the reality in front of him, as close and as clear as anything that reality. The potential well is so deep beneath the hidden meetings because of mass crimes.
Furthermore, in the philosophical sphere, the statement that every human being has the potential or gifted to be good or bad, may seem "flat" course. But in a region or psycho-cultural circumstances particular, may sound very strange, even misleading someone existential journey. Example mentioned in the rubric of psychology that every man so talented homosexual or bisexual; every talented woman lesbian; every husband - like the dr. Boyke - or the talented wife affair; every talented person to be a liar; each gifted a tyrannical ruler; every talented entrepreneurs briber; any potential subordinates licker; and so on. In my opinion, in certain contexts, both individually and culturally, such doctrines can be very "dangerous". Because, this could be considered a kind of legitimacy for certain people to act in deviant or evil. Later they thought that the deviation and the nature of corruption is an instinct that must be channeled. It may be that there'll be a husband or wife who confirmed the affair on the grounds that it was a natural talent; or may be too soon to justify someone gonti mutually favorite girlfriend or spouse on the grounds that it is a potential or talent human nature. They do not understand that it actually was in a philosophical context, precisely the context of a mere potential: the potential that is not required to be action. So, we have to wise, too careful.
Because humans are free to live, even according to Jean Paul Sartre and F. Nietszche absolute freedom without limits, the result of any improper received on other people involved. When he was so strong and manly freedom of choice to live her life, then he must also strong and tough for even the heaviest risk. He is not entitled to take refuge in other people to stay away from him due to her that she should receive. Also, he was not entitled to take refuge in religious symbols, such as Hajj, Umrah, build a mosque, or converted to Islam, and others, to free themselves from the impact that he should get. Because he was not free to live her life choices? As Goenawan said, life is but the choices, as well as risks.
Sometimes it is true what was said by my teacher, Ustadz Agus Effendi: forcing people to heaven is better than to release him to hell. But in the context eksitensial, it only applies to certain people who have not been able functioning of consciousness, such as children or people who are still thinking like children. While other people they are no longer worthy of being forced, even forcing it for a paradise of peaceful, tranquil, and save. Freedom of choice and decide what you want done, either on the basis of the value of pragmatism, hedonism, utilitarinisme, moralism, or the like, must still be maintained. Because that is God gave some of his authority to man.
So, do what you want to do. If you want to pig-pile accumulated wealth, to the mountain and island was purchased, although they had to bribe, torment, kill, and rob people of their livelihoods, if you want to keep that reputation fool people with engineering-rhetorical-political or false testimony; if you to harnessing the power to enrich himself and family; if you want to dredge the wealth in a short time to exploit and manipulate morality, dignity, religion, art, beauty, and others - for example by distributing films, songs, products, advertising porn and bad taste, or take the kids cheer and ABG inexperienced to become your money machine by selling them to the cult of lust; if you want to have fun looking for the pleasures of life without a care for the safety of others and the environment; and others, then do it all. Because life is a free choice. We are sure, you have to consider everything carefully. We also believe that you are all aware that for some this afternoon, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow you will die; that one day you will be eaten by worms, finished without a rest. But we ask, do not persuasion or our persuasion, let alone force us to follow your life choices. Do not sell our virginity and innocence just to pay off bad debts you. Do not invite us to bear the consequences of your crimes do. Let us enjoy the freedom of this life. Like you, we also want to be free. Merdeka!
Source document: rasniardhi.blogspot
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