Karya Anak Bangsa - beta: Microprocessor

Februari 04, 2010


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How it Works Microprocessor

Microprocessors working with assembly language. Instruction execution is done by this language. Although the actual work is much more complex microprocessors, but basically there are only 3 job done:

1.Use to ALU, the microprocessor can perform arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division).
2.Mikroprosesor can move data from a memory location to other devices.
3.Mikroprosesor can make decisions and jump to the new instruction set, based on that decision.

year when the processor was first launched. Many processors launched back (re-introduced) with a clock speed higher in subsequent years. Example: 80,486 is launched again with a 100 MHz clock speed (80486-100).

the number of transistors in the chip.

The smallest wire width (in microns) in the chip, which is used for connecting components. Piece of human hair has a thickness of about 100 microns.

Clock Speed
aju maximum clock that can be provided on the chip. The higher the clock, the faster the CPU can handle.

Data Width
wide data from the ALU. An 8-bit ALU can perform addition / reduction / multiplication etc. two 8-bit numbers, while the 32-bit ALU can manipulate 32-bit numbers.

è In many cases, the external data bus is equal to the width of the ALU, although sometimes there are exceptions. ALU 8088 chip has a 16-bit as much as the bus was only 8-bit, while the Pentium has a data bus with 64-bit 32-bit ALU.


Until now, there are many types of electronic memory, which is widely used in electronic devices (cell phones, televisions, car radios, game pads, video recorder, PDA (personal data assistant), etc.. Memory in electronic devices are generally different from the memory to computer.

Some are specifically used on computer systems, for example:

-RAM-ROM-Cache-Static Dynamic RAM-RAM-Flash Memory
-Virtual Memory Sticks, Memory, Video Memory-BIOS

1. RAM (Random-Access Memory): memory to store temporary information used by the computer at a time. Memory contents can be easily written and erased.
2. ROM (Read-Only Memory): a memory for storing information permanently and can not be changed because it can only be read only. However, there are types of ROM that can be written in a special way.
3. BIOS (Basic Input-Output System): including the type of ROM used to store information specific to form the basis of communication when a new computer turned on.
4. Cache: a very high-speed RAM for data storage is most often used by the microprocessor. This memory is directly connected to the CPU.
5. Virtual Memory: the form of a space on the hard disk used to store data temporarily. Usually it immediately removed if the process has been completed.

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