Karya Anak Bangsa - beta: 02/04/10

Februari 04, 2010

Periferal Komputer - Printer

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Periferal merupakan semua peralatan yang terhubung dengan komputer.
Berdasarkan kegunaannya periferal terbagi dua yaitu:

1. Periferal utama (main peripheral) yaitu peralatan yang harus ada dalam
mengoperasikan komputer. Contoh periferal utama yaitu: monitor,
keyboard dan mouse.

2. Periferal pendukung (auxillary peripheral) yaitu peralatan yang tidak
mesti ada dalam mengoperasikan komputer tetapi diperlukan untuk
kegiatan tertentu. Contohnya yaitu: printer, scanner, modem, web cam
dan lain-lain.

Agenda Workshop Keamanan Jaringan Komputer

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         Parameter dasar TCP/IP
         Membuat web server dari Microsoft Windows XP
         Melihat ketidak amanan sistem web
         Menganalisa program yang jalan di komputer
         Melihat port yang terkena virus atau worm
         Keamanan jaringan tanpa kabel (Wireless LAN)
         Secara software, sambungan komputer bekerja melalui protokol, yang bisa kita pilih :
         TCP/IP protokol Internet
         SPX/IPX protokol Novell Netware
         AppleTalk protokol MacIntosh
         NetBEUI protokol Microsoft Windows
Media Access Control
         Setiap perangkat jaringan mempunyai alamat yang unik, disebut MAC (Media Access Control) Address, yaitu kombinasi angka 48 bit, dimana 24 bit pertama menunjukan identitas perusahaan, bit lain yaitu serial number - untuk melihat MAC Address, ketik winipcfg dari Start – Run
         Angka yang terlihat misalnya :

Open Systems Interconnection 7 – Layer

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Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)
• Created by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 1984
• Model asitektur for interkomputer communications.
• Explain how the information from the application software on one computer and then move through the medium until it is received back by the application software on a second computer.
7-Layer OSI Model Layer TCP / IP
- Application
- Presentation - Application
- Session
- Transport - Transport
- Network - Internet
- Data Link - Network
- Physical interface physical


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• A firewall is a system or group that runs the system security access control between a secure internal network and untrusted networks like the Internet.

• Firewall is designed to allow trusted by the data, reject the vulnerable service, preventing the internal network from outside attacks that can penetrate the firewall every time

Firewall System Components
• A firewall can be a PC, router, midrange, mainframe, UNIX workstation, or a combination of the above.
• Firewalls can consist of one or more functional components as follows:

- Packet-filtering router

- Application-level gateway (proxy)

- Circuit-level gateway


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How it Works Microprocessor

Microprocessors working with assembly language. Instruction execution is done by this language. Although the actual work is much more complex microprocessors, but basically there are only 3 job done:

1.Use to ALU, the microprocessor can perform arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division).
2.Mikroprosesor can move data from a memory location to other devices.
3.Mikroprosesor can make decisions and jump to the new instruction set, based on that decision.

Hardware (Hardware)

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Computer system components:- Hardware: physical devices used to perform computing.- Software: computer programs used to perform computing operations.
# Hardware (Hardware) is a device that serves to input process (input), data processing and output (output).Input device (Input Devices) Input device functions to enter data or input to processed into information or output .Consist of: mouse, keyboard.
# The Central Processing Unit (CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT (CPU))In the process of working a computer, the processor is the most important partthe input process and output.Output device (Output Devices) One device that serves to see the results of the process input, as for the device are as follows:- Monitor- mMonitor is one useful tool isplays information generated from the input process- Printer (print device)