Karya Anak Bangsa - beta: Law No Reading the Qur'an

Februari 13, 2010

Law No Reading the Qur'an

1 bAlas
By Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz
Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz was asked: What is the noble Shaykh advice to people who spent a month even months but never touch the book of God at all without udzur. And, one of them you can get busy following the magazine editions that are not bermanfa'at?
Disunnahkan for a Muslim and to multiply mukminah reading of the Qur'aan is accompanied by tadabur and understanding, both through Mushaf or memorization. This is based on the word of Allaah
"It means: This is a book that we have revealed unto thee, full of blessings that they may notice the verses and a lesson to those who have thought," [Shad: 29]

And His word,
"It means: Those who always read the Book of Allah and establish prayer and spend rizki party of what We have provided them secretly and openly, they were expecting commerce that will not lose money. In order to refine their God reward them and add to them from grace. Surely Allah is Forgiving, Responsive. "[Fatir :29-30]
Recitations in question include reading and Ittiba '(practice), reading with tadabbur and understanding, while IKHLASH to God is the tool in Ittiba' and in the Recitations are also a great reward, as the words of the Prophet alaihi wa sallam
"It means: Recite the Qur'an, because he will come on the last day as a helper for those who read it." [1]
And in the other he word,
"It means: The best among you are those who learn the Qur 'an and teach it." [2]
And in the other he word,
"That means: Anyone who read a letter from the Book of Allah, then he will get a good one while it was good one (worth) ten times as much, I do not say 'ALM' as one letter, but 'Alif as one letter,' Laam 'as one letter and' Mim 'as one letter. "[3]
Similarly, there has been a saheeh hadeeth from him, that it is he said to Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-Ash,
"Read the Qur 'an every month. "He (Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-Ash) said," I replied, 'I agreed more out of it again.' Then he said again, 'Read every seven nights. "[4]
The Companions of the Prophet mengkhatamkannya once in every week.
My testament to all the Qari Quran to augment reading the Qur'an in a way mentadabburi, understand and act sincerely for Allaah with the purpose to get the benefits and science. And, should also be mengkhatamkannya once every month and if there keluangan, then less than that again because that is the good of the many. Can mengkhatamkannya less than once a week and the main mengkhatamkannya not to less than three days because it's in accordance with the instructions Prophet alaihi wa sallam to Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-Ash, and since reading it in less than three days would cause keterburu - game and can not mentadabburinya.
Likewise, should not be read from the Mushaf except in the sacred state, whereas when read by rote (in my head) then it's okay though not in a condition makrooh.
While people who are junub, then he should not be read either by Mushaf or by rote until he had a clean shower. This is based on the history of Ahmad and the authors of the books As-Sunan with a chain of transmission of Hasan 'Ali, that the he said, "There is nothing holding (in another version of history: prevents) the Messenger of Allaah' alaihi wa sallam, from reading Qur'an besides jinabah. "
Billahi wa at-Tawfiq.
[Fatawa al-Mar'ah, h.96-97, From the fatwas of Shaykh Ibn Baz]
[Retrieved From Al-Fataawa ash-Fi Syar'iyyah Masa'il Al-Ashriyyah Min al-Fataawa Ulama. Al-Balad Al-Haram, Edisi Indonesia, Fatwa-Fatwa Events, Authors Khalid Al-Juraisy, translators Musthofa Aini, Publisher Darul Haq]
Foote Note
[1]. HR. Muslim, al-Musafirin shalah (804).
[2]. HR. Al-Bukhari, al-Qur'an Fadha'il (5027).
[3]. HR. Al-Tirmidhi, Fadha'il al-Qur 'an (2910).
[4]. HR. Al-Bukhari, Fadha 'il al-Qur'an (5052); Muslim, al-Shiyam (1159).
Source: almanhaj.or.id

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